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Trojan Horse Alert!

Anna von Reitz - Trojan Horse Alert!  Proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2Fannavonreitz.com%2Fanna145
By Anna Von Reitz

Trojan Horse
Everybody--- listen up! You need to back out of this General Post Office giddy up and do not support their "Continental Army" --- it is a Trojan Horse operation.
The claims made by Keith Livingway that he bought the office of the United States Postmaster General -- basically at an estate sale--- should make you roll your eyes. That would be like me claiming to be a German Princess a hundred years after the German Monarchy died. Offices have no meaning and neither do titles once the organizations giving rise to them are defunct.
The "office" he claims to hold was created by The United States of America, (Incorporated) which went bankrupt in 1907.
Get a clue, here, gentlemen---- no incorporated entity is enabled to function as a sovereign government.
That "thing" was no more your government than the "thing" sitting in Washington, DC now.
They are both nothing but private, mostly foreign-owned, for-profit "governmental services corporations" that have used deceptively similar names to promote fraud.
So when Keith says he is the "Postmaster General of the United States" and he refers to "The United States of America" you now know that it is a bogus claim and that that is not The United States of America referenced in our founding documents.
The United States of America referenced in our founding documents was and is an unincorporated business entity owned and operated by the states and ultimately by the people of this country. Got that? Unincorporated.
The actual office of the United States Post Master (land jurisdiction) is a completely different office from any "Postmaster" (sea jurisdiction). See the difference? Post Master -- two separate words in Upper and Lower case versus "Postmaster" -- one word run together?
Here's another clue that Keith is bogus.
No office of "Postmaster General" existed anywhere at all until after the Civil War when all this fraud began. Neither did we have any "Attorney Generals" or "Lieutenant Governors" or any of the other quasi-military offices and lingo.
That is all part of the fraud.
Now the same two crime syndicates that brought us the so-called "American Civil War"---- which was never declared and never ended with a peace treaty, and which is therefore revealed to be nothing but a stinking illegal private commercial mercenary fight on our shores---- think that they will cause trouble here again.
They got us to fight each other once for their benefit and they think they will do it again. Are we dumb enough for that?
They want a war because it profits them.
They have taken out million and multi-million dollar life insurance policies on every American. They get to collect on those for every one of us killed. And they are hard up for cash.
Just like a guy who takes out a life insurance policy on his wife, kills her, gets the money, and runs off with his mistress. Same crappola.
Not only that, but they get to avoid paying their debts to their Priority Creditors once they are dead--- and guess who their Priority Creditors are? That's right. You and me.
They did the same thing to the Jews in Germany. The Jews were the Priority Creditors of Hitler's government.
And then, once we are dead, they get to come in and confiscate all our property--- our homes, businesses, all our personal effects--- as "abandoned property". That is their favorite excuse for their larceny.
That's what they tried to pass off in the Philippines--- that the actual unincorporated government of the actual United States (not the Territorial United States, not the Municipal United States, not the corporations) no longer exists, and that all the land and gold and other assets belonging to the American states and people are up for grabs.
Finally, the whipped cream on top of the shit pile--- they get to charge everyone who is left alive for the "service" of killing us.
Have you all got the picture now?
The way to "fight" these vermin is by exposing them and their aims, not by going along with their plan and giving them an excuse to start any armed fight on our soil.
This is a bunch of criminals and it is a criminal matter--- not a political one.
Spread the word. Let everyone that you know in active duty military or retired military know what is going on here--- and otherwise give them no excuse to use violence. None.
Wise as serpents. Gentle as doves.

[ltr] -----------------------------[/ltr]
[ltr]See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com[/ltr]

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Thanks to: http://www.paulstramer.net

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